Graduate Certificate Programs

Minnesota State Mankato’s graduate certificates are a fast and convenient way to enhance your skills and your career.

Aging Studies

The goal of the Aging Studies graduate certificate is to develop leaders that can become a force for positive social change related to aging within their communities and organizations.


The Graduate Certificate in Assurance is designed for students and professionals that want a solid foundation of knowledge in assurance services.

Business Leadership

The Business Leadership certificate program focuses on both understanding and practicing the skills critical to effective performance as a leader in any organization.

College Student Affairs

The program curriculum for the graduate certificate is delivered 100% online and focuses on student affairs administration and college student development through a social justice approach.

Communication Education

The graduate certificate in Communication Education (GC-CE) is designed for individuals who hold a post-secondary degree in a different discipline and are seeking to expand their education to teach communication courses at a community or technical college.

Computer Keyboard and Related Technology

The Graduate Certificate in Computer, Keyboard, and Related Technology is an Educational Technology Endorsement that responds to the growing needs of P-16 education in providing equitable instruction for diverse students in the technological environment.

Cultural Diversity

The Cultural Diversity graduate certificate program provides graduate students/professionals who earned a bachelor’s degree the opportunity to acquire cross-cultural competency skills and expertise.

Culturally Responsive Teaching

The Culturally Responsive Teaching certificate program emphasis is placed upon facilitating graduate students in strengthening and broadening their knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to function effectively as educators.

Curriculum and Technology

The Curriculum and Technology Graduate Certificate provides educators with research-based skills and frameworks to meet the curriculum and technology needs of diverse student populations with the goal of creating equitable student-centered learning experiences.

Cyber Risk Analysis

The Cyber Risk Analysis graduate certificate provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to analyze cyber risks, communicate cyber risks to technical and non-technical audiences, and to take steps to manage those risks.

Database Technology

The Database Technology graduate certificate provides the basic concepts, skills, and values for pursuing a career in computer and information science, emphasizing design and implementation of sophisticated database systems and related software.

Educational Technology for Adult and Professional Learners

The graduate certification in Educational Technology for Adult and Professional Learners is focused on leveraging technology to create positive change in education through adult and professional learning, partnerships, leadership, and design.

Elementary Math Pedagogy

The Elementary Math Pedagogy graduate certificate program is designed to provide educators with the fundamental pedagogies for teaching mathematics in elementary schools.

Family Consumer Science

The Family Consumer Science certificate program provides the professional who already has a teaching degree or who is working on a graduate teaching degree with the necessary courses to meet the MN standards for teacher licensure in Family Consumer Science Education for grades 5-12.

Gender and Women's Studies

The Gender and Women's Studies (GWS) certificate offers students the opportunity to evaluate numerous feminist theories of social justice; synthesize social change strategies; enhance oral and written communication; and analyze GWS as a movement and discipline.

Geographic Information Science

The Geographic Information Science (GIS) graduate certificate provides in-depth training in geospatial technology and theory allowing students to create solutions to real-world problems involving people and environment.

Global Solutions in Engineering and Technology

The Global Solutions in Engineering and Technology graduate certificate creates a pathway for students to develop cultural and language skills desired by our regional employers.


The online History certificate allows secondary school teachers and community college instructors to enhance their professional development, while offering the credentials for teaching History in "College in the Schools" courses.

Instructional Design and Educational Technology

The graduate certificate in Instructional Design and Educational Technology is focused on using design models and instructional technologies to reduce barriers and create equitable access to learning.


The Literature graduate certificate provides students with a foundation in British, American, and World literature, and elective coursework in theory and more specialized author, period, and genre courses.

Modeling and Simulation

The Modeling and Simulation graduate certificate provides a basic grounding in the concepts of modeling and simulation, an opportunity to develop a specific focus within that field, and a demonstration of skill in applying those concepts.

Museum Studies

The aim of the Museum Studies certificate program is to provide a perspective on the theory and practice of museums in an expanding global environment of technological, social and political change for current and future museum professionals.

Nonprofit Leadership

The Nonprofit Leadership certificate is a multidisciplinary program for graduate students and nonprofit practitioners interested in gaining knowledge and skills for success and advancement in nonprofit leadership.

Online and Blended Learning

The Online and Blended Learning certificate is focused on educators becoming highly effective in implementing equitable uses of digital technology to address the needs of diverse students across face-to-face, hybrid, and online learning environments in synchronous and asynchronous modalities.

Planning and Students' Learning

The graduate certificate program emphasis is placed upon facilitating graduate students in strengthening and broadening their knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to function effectively as educators.

Political Science

The Graduate Certificate in Political Science is designed for secondary and post-secondary school teachers and instructors who would like to further their professional development, meet post-secondary faculty qualifications, or earn their first credits toward an eventual master’s degree.

Post Baccalaureate Teacher Licensure

The program focuses on the general theory and practice of learning and teaching; the basic principles of educational psychology; the art of teaching; and the planning and administration of educational activities.

Professional Communication

The Professional Communication certificate prepares students with the skills to communicate in a variety of professional contexts including corporate, nonprofit, and government. Through theory and practice, students will learn to craft and adapt strategic messages for professional settings.

Project Management

The certificate in Project Management provides students with the knowledge they need to increase process and product performance, to improve the quality and reliability of goods and services and to institute steps to make their organizations more competitive through an overall commitment to quality.

Psychology: General Psychology

The Psychology graduate certificate provides a broad exposure to the major areas of psychology, as well as opportunities to apply psychological science to real-world issues.

Public Management

The Public Management graduate certificate program provides the basic concepts, skills, and values for pursuing a career in local public management.

Quality Management Systems

The certificate in Quality Management Systems provides students with the knowledge they need to increase process and product performance and to improve the quality and reliability of goods and services.

Racially Conscious School and Systems Leadership

The Racially Conscious School and Systems Leadership graduate certificate provides educators with the racially conscious knowledge, dispositions, and skills necessary for effective leadership for all students in our education system.


The Graduate Certificate in Reading is designed for licensed teachers who want to add a MN Reading Teacher License or community college faculty interested in teaching developmental reading.


The Sociology Graduate Certificate program provides opportunities to apply sociological perspectives and research to real-world issues.

Spanish for Professionals

The graduate certificate program prepares current K-12 teachers or practicing professionals with a competency-based Spanish courses that develop their writing and oral competencies in Spanish and their multicultural literacy.

Special Education

Programs in Academic and Behavioral Strategist, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Developmental Cognitive Disabilities, Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Early Childhood Special Education, and Learning Disabilities prepare professionals to work with students with disabilities in school settings.

Superintendent of Schools

The Superintendent licensure program is designed to develop school superintendents who demonstrate racial competence and the experience, expertise, and tools immediately relevant to lead today’s racially diverse school districts.


The Graduate Certificate in Taxation (GCT) program is designed for students and professionals who want a solid foundation of knowledge in tax .

Teacher as Leader

Teacher as Leader courses examine effective approaches that increase student-teacher, student-student, and student-community relationships, how to develop, lead, maintain, and sustain learning communities, and examine the role of the professional teacher as leader and scholar.

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

The Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) prepares graduate students to teach English learners in a variety of U.S. and international contexts, including K-12 and higher education.

Teaching Writing

The Teaching Writing graduate certificate enables current and prospective teachers (Grades 5-College) to develop expertise in teaching writing.

Technical Communication

The Technical Communication graduate certificate program prepares participants for careers in technical communication, emphasizing current industry practice in the research, writing, editing, and publishing of (print or online) technical documents

Technology, Equity and Accessibility for Learners

The Technology, Equity, and Accessibility for Learners graduate certificate is focused on providing educators with research-based theories, frameworks, and models for effectively using technology to meet the needs of diverse students.

Urban Planning

The Urban Planning graduate certificate program provides the basic concepts, skills, and values for pursuing a career in local government planning.