Thesis or Dissertation Submissions

How you submit your paper is determined by your program.

Before submitting your paper, confirm the formatting meets acceptable standards and that you have successfully defended your work to your examining committee members.

Print copies are not required by the Office of Graduate Studies if the document is submitted online (unless otherwise specified by your department). Personal copies may be ordered for binding (See the Printed Copy Submissions section). Regardless of which submission format is chosen, the thesis/dissertation will be available from the Memorial Library.

Electronic/Online Submission Requirements:

  • Upload your thesis or dissertation with your Endorsement/Signature page left unsigned. Next, send a signed copy of the Endorsement/Signature page to the Office of Graduate Studies. The signed copy must be received by the Office of Graduate Studies by the semester deadline.
  • Remember: Your thesis or dissertation must already be successfully defended and unanimously approved by the appropriate examining committee members before you submit it to the Office of Graduate Studies, regardless of which format you choose to use for submission.
  • Only minor formatting changes may be made to your thesis or dissertation after it has been submitted online. All papers are reviewed and any requested changes will be communicated to you via email. The submission of your paper and any requested formatting updates must be submitted by their respective semester deadlines.

How to Submit Online: Online submissions are performed using the ProQuest ETD Administrator website. Refer to the Online Submission Guide for specific instructions on submitting your thesis or dissertation electronically. There is no required payment on either ProQuest or Cornerstone. 

Theses and dissertations submitted to ProQuest are automatically available on the Library's online repository, Cornerstone. For more information regarding Cornerstone, please review this video.

Each thesis is bound in a maroon color, dissertations are bound in navy. Examples of previously approved theses are available on the shelves of the University Library.

  • If your department requires print copies, minimum of 4 copies (unless otherwise specified by your program) are required to be physically printed and delivered to the Office of Graduate Studies by the posted deadline
  • Payment of $25.00 per copy is required when the student submits their printed papers to the Graduate Studies office. Payment can be made by cash, check, or credit card.
  • The printed copies must adhere to the formatting and style requirements of the Office of Graduate Studies.

Paper Quality

The paper quality used in the printing process must meet the following standards: 
  1. Pages must be printed with a laser printer. (Many students choose to use Creative Production for the printing of their thesis/dissertation copies.)
  2. Paper must be opaque and white in color.
  3. 20# or 24# weight 
  4. At least 25% cotton content
  5. Visible watermark. (A watermark indicates archival-quality paper.)
  6. Single-Sided printing ONLY

NOTE: Copies made on standard copy paper will not be accepted. The paper must be submitted unbound with no punch holes or other mutilations. Papers with corrections in pen or pencil will not be accepted.

Binding and Distribution of Printed Copies

Binding is arranged by the Office of Graduate Studies. Our vendor visits every other month to pick-up printed unbound copies and to deliver any finished bound copies. Therefore, students should be prepared for their finished bound thesis to be distributed at least 8 weeks after its initial submission to the Graduate Studies office.

The Office of Graduate Studies delivers the bound copies to the following locations:
  1. University Library
  2. University Archives
  3. Student’s Advisor
  4. Student Copy 

Student Copy Delivery Options

The Office of Graduate Studies is not responsible for theses or dissertations that become lost in the mail, so students must ensure their Diploma Address field remains updated in e-services to avoid having to re-print and re-order their copies.

Domestic Shipping (Default):
  • The student's copy is mailed via USPS (United States Postal Service) through the University Mail Room. There is no tracking number available for copies mailed through the mailroom.
  • Expedited Shipping or Shipping with a Tracking Number: The student should create an account via eShipglobal and select the Registrar’s Office for shipment coordination.
  • If students prefer to pick up their finished copy, they should notify the College of Graduate Studies and it will be made available at the front desk. The student is notified via email when the thesis is available for pick-up.
International Shipping:
  • Students who need their copy mailed internationally, with a tracking number, will need to use eShipglobal. The student will need to first create an account and select the Registrar’s Office for shipment coordination.

Optional Non–Textual Components Pertaining to Printed Copies:

  1. CDs/DVDs – Include self-adhesive CD pockets for each copy of the thesis or dissertation. 
  2. Photographs – Print on archival-quality paper specific to photographs.  
  3. Postcards and Brochures  – Affix to a full sheet of appropriate-quality paper or provide self-adhesive pockets to be included in the bound copies. 

Each semester has firm deadlines by which you must apply for graduation and submit your thesis or dissertation. Failure to submit your paper by the posted deadline will affect the your graduation/degree award date in the following ways:

  • Submissions made after the published due dateThe student’s graduation will be delayed by one academic semester.
  • Submissions made after the first day of the following semester:  The student will be required to register for at least one graduate-level credit. For example, if the student applied to graduate in the spring semester but submits the thesis after the following summer session has begun, the student will be required to register for summer credit at the graduate level and will be considered a summer graduate. Please see the graduate enrollment policy for more information.