Graduate Studies Forms
Find forms you may need during your academic journey at Minnesota State University, Mankato as a graduate student.
Prospective Students
Immunization Form - This form is required for most students enrolled on the Mankato campus or in the Twin Cities.
Petition to take Graduate Courses - This form needs to be completed if you wish to enroll in graduate-level courses during your final undergraduate semester at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Master's, Specialist, or Graduate Certificate Students
Application for Graduation (Electronic format) OR (PDF format)-This form is for master's, specialist, or graduate certificate students who are ready to finish their program and have their degree awarded. This form must be submitted before registering for the Commencement Ceremony.
Change of Advisor/Committee Member - Complete and submit this form if you would like to change your advisor or member(s) of your committee.
Extension of Time - This form is to request additional time beyond the permitted six years to complete graduate program requirements.
Graduate Transfer of Credit Form - Complete and submit this form to request credits from another institution be evaluated for transfer.
Overload Request - This form needs to be completed if you wish to enroll in more than 12 graduate credits during a semester.
Plan of Study - List the courses you plan to take that will apply to your graduate program or certificate.
Recommendation for Awarding the Degree - This form is required for all students who wish to graduate and have their degree posted to their academic transcripts. This form is submitted in addition to the Application for Graduation, after your capstone experience has been successfully completed.
Doctoral Students
Advanced Standing Request - Students admitted to a doctoral program who have completed graduate courses elsewhere may apply to be admitted with advanced standing.
Application for Graduation for Doctoral Students (Electronic format) OR PDF Format - This form is for doctoral students who are ready to finish their program and have their degree awarded. This form must be submitted before registering for the Commencement Ceremony.
Leave of Absence Request - Doctoral students can apply for a Leave of Absence before obtaining doctoral candidacy and/or registering for dissertation credits.
Leave of Absence Request (Psy.D. Students Only) - Psy.D. students can apply for a Leave of Absence before obtaining doctoral candidacy and/or registering for dissertation credits.
Recommendation for Admission to Doctoral Candidacy - This form is submitted to the Office of Graduate studies when the department is ready to recommend the student as a doctoral candidate.
Recommendation for Conferral of the Doctoral Degree - After all of the degree requirements have been successfully completed, and after the dissertation has been successfully defended, this form is signed and sent in to the Office of Graduate Studies.
All Students
Graduation Invitation Letter Request - If you are an international student needing to request an invitation for graduation, please refer to the Kearney International Center form.
Request for Tuition Waiver Usage - If you are a graduate assistant (GA) with a full academic year appointment, you may complete this request if you wish to use your GA tuition waiver differently than 9 credits in the fall and 9 credits in the spring.