Travel Funding
Travel Funds have been exhausted for the academic year.
The College of Graduate Studies and Research will provide travel awards to students whose scholarly/creative work has been accepted for presentation at a regional or national conference, and who have received matching financial support from their college and/or department to help pay for travel to the event.
Awards are available to any graduate student currently enrolled in a graduate degree program. Unregistered students are not eligible for funding consideration. Students must present the results of their scholarship at a national or regional conference, and invited directly by the program organizer and/or submitted to the program committee for selection.
Requests must make clear that the presentation is directly related to the student's scholarship or creative pursuits while enrolled in the graduate program. Funding is not typically approved for presentations involving non-scholarly or non-academic topics that are not part of a larger research or creative endeavor or agenda.
The number of awards is limited, and funding will be distributed until funds are depleted. The maximum award is $200. Students must also receive matching assistance from their home department and/or college to specifically assist with the costs associated with travel to the conference or scholarly meeting. Students presenting at more than one conference may request matching funding; however, matching funds will be limited to no more than a grand total of $200 per student per year, regardless of how many requests are submitted. Travel funding can be awarded to a student who has a Graduate Student Research Grant. However, please note that the travel expenses requested cannot be duplicated (requested twice) between the two funding sources.
Application Process
Travel Funds have been exhausted for the academic year.
Please send an email to that includes:
- Brief description of the scholarly/creative work
- Conference at which you'll be presenting
- Proposed budget for the trip
Required Attachments
- Copy of conference announcement
- Letter of invitation or acceptance from program committee for the conference
- Evidence home department and/or college has agreed to provide funding
- If applicable, provide an approval of presented research letter from Minnesota State University's Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- If applicable, provide an approval of presented research letter from Minnesota State University's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Travel funds will be transferred to the academic department and then disbursed to the student. Requests received after the presentation date are not eligible for funding consideration.
The Application Should Be Submitted to:
Graduate Studies Office
Minnesota State University Mankato
AF 115
Mankato, MN 56001
Via email: